jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016



2 liters of water

Half a cucumber (which is used for salads)

2 lemons

10 mint leaves

Grated ginger (if you like, you can remove it from lemonade)

Preparation of lemonade to have a flat stomach

1. Place the 2 liters of water in a jar and go placing the remaining ingredients as mentioned below.

2. Wash the cucumber well and if you do not like the shell, peel it completely and pártelo into thin slices.

3. Cut into thin slices also two lemons.

4. Grate the ginger. The amount of ginger is your choice, but not overdo tablespoon grated and if you do not like to eat it, delete it from the lemonade.

5. If you would add a few drops more lemon for flavor, but remember not to add any sugar.

6. Wash well mint leaves and add them to the preparation, you can also use peppermint leaves and thus give a new flavor to lemonade.

Let stand about two hours preparing and if you want you can also prepare it at night and leave in the refrigerator overnight to consume the next day. If you do not like taking it because there is nothing sweet, you can add a little honey to sweeten, but remember to do it in moderation, ie in small quantities.

Remember to stay healthy, you should perform exercises regularly, as this lemonade alone will not do the miracle you want.

Lemonade to have a flat stomach and lose weight

We all know that to maintain an ideal weight, eliminate toxins, keep our body and hydrated skin, should take approximately 2 liters of water daily, but many people do not, because they do not like water and therefore not properly hydrated.

Drinking water daily has many benefits, including helping to lose weight, keep our skin healthy, eliminate toxins from our body, eliminates many digestive problems, it gives us energy and if consumed before meals, avoid to consume more food what do we need.

However rarely mentioned that drinking water helps to lose belly, as we often have bloated stomach due to toxins not discard, by fluid retention and digestive problems, water will achieve solve completely and we lose those extra centimeters in this area.

But as I mentioned earlier, many people do not drink water every day because they do not like and for this reason today I want to give a simple recipe that love them and help them properly hydrated, eliminating centimeters more in the stomach.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016


"I do not think, at least in my eyes, there was some human construction visible to me. I have not met anyone who has told me that he has seen the Great Wall of China from Earth orbit. I have asked many people, particularly people from the ferry, which have orbited on China several times during the day, and those with whom I have spoken have not seen "(Neil Armstrong)

It was built to last thousands of years and part of its structure can still be seen. 20% is still standing, 30% is in poor condition and the rest has disappeared almost completely, but it is a World Heritage Site since 1987 and one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, besides being twinned with the Roman wall of Lugo in Galicia (Spain)

It is a work that has always aroused great curiosity and no wonder:

Is reputed to be the largest cemetery for the world buried her there are about 10 million workers who died in its construction.

It has always been said that was the only building made by man visible from space, but it is not true. No astronaut has gotten her.

If a wall one meter thick and five meters high with bricks, stones and earth that were used in lift to rise, that wall would give more than one trip around the world. Counting its ramifications it is estimated to be 8,851 kilometers long with an average measure of six to seven meters high and 5 meters 4 wide.

Mongol attacks

We have to go back to the year 221. C. in the time of Emperor Qin Shihuang Di, the first emperor of China who reunified the various kingdoms and ordered to create a new barrier on the walls existing Yan and Zhao to defend pastoralists North since the fourth century. C. threatened them to get agricultural products steppe did not provide them.

For nearly a thousand years there was a balance between Chinese and barbarians broke in the early thirteenth century with the unifier of the steppe, the Mongol Genghis Khan. He began the conquest of China that would eventually completed by his grandson Kublai Khan founded the Yuan dynasty.

The Yuan were dethroned after a peasant revolt, reigning in the second half of the fourteenth century Ming Dynasty. The Mongols did not want to give up China and in subsequent years began an intense activity of attacks that forced the Chinese in 1575 to strengthen and rebuild the wall to defend reaching the height of construction in time of Emperor Wanli.

A bright construction

This new Great Wall rose to consciousness. Until then compacted earth as raw material was used, but now would be used in most sections a combination of stone base and brick elevation. It is estimated that was much more expensive (one hundred times more according to some) but much more resistance was achieved. On a stone base two walls of brick rose, filling the interior with dirt, gravel and compacted sand.

The wall is composed of walls, gates, towers and watchtowers 24,000. The Jiayu step on its western edge, was the door that was used for the silk route, you can see a perspective of it in the photo below.

On the walls they were used materials available around the building. Near Beijing limestone was used, in other granite, baked brick, rocks with a high content of metal from the mining region of Shan Xi, which gave the appearance of being made with silver stones, although at present it is difficult see that aspect in the remains of the wall. They had reinforced cement but getting similar to this baking bricks at 1,150 degrees for one week resistance. But they possessed a secret ingredient that make getting harder mortar bricks themselves to such an extent that these have disappeared only remaining mortar. That ingredient rice flour was mixed with clay and lime.

Life in the wall

Guarded during the Ming Dynasty more than a million warriors, they lived in harsh conditions mitigate trying to trade with their nomadic enemies, despite having banned. In the play also they worked civilians, who were spared paying taxes and soldiers. In the defense towers, a garrison of between 30 and 50 soldiers took turns four months, with a very hierarchical organization officers had one, five or ten towers; others were in charge of certain sections of the wall or larger sections called "tracks." There were also watchtowers and walled cities where units of soldiers patrolling the area were.

The obsession defend nomads he made the Ming neglected his other enemies, and the Manchus took advantage to break through the wall and overthrow in 1644, with Mongolia annexed by the Chinese Empire and ceased to be necessary the Great Wall.



La pintura corporal se reapareció en Occidente a finales del siglo XX. En donde se trata de un arte efímero, en el que el pintor crea un dibujo sobre su modelo usando pinturas especiales, purpurinas, acuarelas y complementos para crear de esta forma un conjunto plástico que exprese lo que el artista desea plasmar. Es el cuerpo convertido en un lienzo.

Normalmente se suelen crear pinturas inspiradas en la naturaleza, animales, fantasía, y combinaciones abstractas. En primer lugar, el artista elabora un borrador en papel, elige los colores, el modelo, la pintura y complementos que va a utilizar.

La pintura corporal no tiene un objetivo erótico en sí mismo, aunque como en cualquier otro arte, si el pintor lo desea se le puede dar.

La distribución de los colores es muy importante en estos trabajos, puesto que la luminosidad o su ausencia modela el cuerpo del modelo, creando así diferentes volúmenes.

¿Realmente a quien no le gustaría hacerse unas de estas obras de arte? son muy hermosas..

martes, 8 de marzo de 2016


Most of us use makeup as a supplement to make the most of our beauty. However, the American artist Shannon Holt has given a new dimension to body makeup, turning their canvases models for his paintings of animals. Do not miss their amazing work!

Many people feel especially connected with its domestic animal, and values like wildness, freedom and contact with nature become essential qualities that define their personality. If you also feel very attracted to the animal kingdom, or just enjoy the art in general, you'll love these works of body painting so realistic and original. Bring out the beast in you!

However, Shannon is not the only artist who has focused his work on the body painting animal, because many artists who know how to make the human body a perfect canvas, and turn it into works of art of flesh and blood.

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016


   With only 18 years alone he came to Canton to study psychology and has since struggled to achieve independence. Elaine does not have very good relationship with their parents, who have such serious discussions couple who came to cause depression when she was a teenager. The lessons learned in the race now help you to understand itself and to overcome some of the problems that caused it.

                     "My parents argued a lot, I felt a very unfortunate girl"

    Elaine grew up in the Chinese city of Shenzhen and Guangzhou reached a year ago, sharing a bedroom with eight people in college, and return home to visit when his free time permits. It has a busy work schedule because their ultimate goal is to make money to be independent and prove to your parents that can support herself.

                       "The opinion of my parents is what worries me"

    His arguments with more adults than many other girls her age, is responsible and much stronger than it appears his image porcelain doll fair-skinned, false eyelashes and perfectly shaped lips. Elaine is a cheerful, sweet and cheerful girl who appears to be somewhat shy when covering his mouth to smile, however, unabashed to dance hiccups could take any attitude.


   When it comes to the pace of construction of ambitious projects, the Middle East seems to be excellent, as evidenced by the recent announcement of plans by Saudi Arabia to build the Abray Kudai hotel in Mecca in 2017. In our region, almost it has become a tradition that a new structure should be an impressive milestone and fulfill the desire to beat the world records represent something bigger and better than any previous triumph of architecture. That is exactly the case of this US $ 3.5 trillion business, funded by the Saudi Ministry of Finance and designed by the group of Dar Al-Handasah, which aims to build the world's largest hotel.

    A glance at some of the numbers makes it clear that the Abray Kudai will beat any competitor in an instant; there will be 10,000 rooms, 70 restaurants, four heliports, a shopping center and a bus station, a necessary addition because this mammoth construction will extend to more than 1.4 million square meters. In fact, the 12 towers that will house these facilities, to be built on a podium ten-story, seem to resemble a city within a city or desert fortress rather than a hotel.

   The ambition of the project to create a hotel of such magnitude that it is almost impossible to image is certainly impressive, as is the fact that the design will feature the world's largest dome, as well as a large ballroom to give service to the millions who visit Mecca for the annual Hajj. However, when compared with other iconic hotel in the region, we have to question whether "bigger is better."

   It is impossible not to draw parallels between KSA hotel, still under construction and Arab Al-Burj luxury hotel in Dubai that provoked a regional trend of all future hotel projects seeking to overcome their size, height, or mere greatness. While the Burj also encapsulates a similar attitude toward opulence, its scale has a more clearly defined purpose; to open the Dubai economy with tourism. Located on an artificial island, luxury seven-star Burj makes it ideal for a jet-set crowd tourist destination; Meanwhile, the location of Abray Kudai area Manafia in Mecca, automatically limits the number of potential visitors.

    When it comes to size, even though the Burj Al Arab is known as the third tallest hotel in the world, which is more known for its unusual design resembles the sail of a boat Arabia. In fact, 39% of the height is vacant and is limited to use to create the well-curved shape that led to this hotel become a symbol of the emirate, often compared to Paris' Eiffel Tower or the Sydney Opera House. As for the remaining space, there are 202 suites spanning 28 floors over two floors, a relatively limited number of rooms to create a sense of exclusivity number.

    As regards its competitor from Saudi Arabia, and as luxurious as they plan their rooms may be, the fact that there are 10,000 of them eliminates any potential exclusive look. No Likewise, the proposed design is unlike the typical architecture of the country, which makes it much more difficult for you to take advantage of the attention, at least so that the Burj al Arab has been doing since 1999 world.

    This battle in hospitality and luxury innovation, therefore, appears to be a pre-determined a clear winner: the Burj Al Arab. We're not quite sure if the Abray Kudai will succeed in the very definition of a significantly only for its opening in 2017 will tell.

   Abraj Kudai is a mixed-use development located in the Manafia area in central Mecca, just 2.2 km south of the Haram in Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Because of its unprecedented size, height and distinguished location, exposure and architectural style, the building appears as a striking landmark with a modern deep multifunctional identity concerning both the Saudi town and the Islamic universality of its intended users.

Bordered by Ajyad Street from the east, Kudai and Birka tunnels from the west and Prince Meteb land from the north, Abray Kudai is accessible from two main roads from east and west, as well as a private road from the north. The site is surrounded by private buildings and property from the east and west.

   With a total area of ​​approximately 60,000 m² site and the total floor area of ​​about 1.4 million square meters, the project is a residential and commercial complex consisting of a large podium topped by 12 towers accommodate various elements such as a podium that houses a bus station, a shopping mall, restaurants and food courts, a convention center and parking.

   Five star towers offer all related services for visitors to the Holy Kaaba. The lowest levels near the Haram area are used as commercial venues, ensuring immediate and easy access to the Haram visitors. The development is designed to accommodate adequate parking at the top of the shopping areas located at the grassroots level. Placing plants in a parking location is due to the limitations of the underground site, mainly Zamzam water table.



   The Burj Al Arab or 'Arab Tower' hotel is today highest structure of this type in the world, located 17 kilometers south of Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and 300 meters from Jumeirah Beach, about articial island one grounded on a road. It is the symbol of the splendor of the Arab world and a State sees tourism as an alternative to counter the consequences of a possible shortage of oil.

   Sheikh Mohamed, was the one who requested the project design, for which demanded the concept of identity and a building that became an icon of Dubai, similar to what happens in the Sydney Opera House, or Paris with the Eiffel Tower.

   The tallest hotel in the world today is the international symbol of Dubai, where the steel elegantly draws a spectacular facade protecting the superstructure of wind and earthquakes.

   Based on accurate information, the design like Mohamed, was designed by architect Tom Wright, who was inspired by the nautical past of the country, simulating a sail of a dhow (type of Arabian vessel) with two wings spread in V for forming a huge mast and give the overall feeling of a class J ultramodern yacht.

   Work began in 1994. It was decided that the hotel would be located in the sea on an artificial island, whose height would a discrepancy over the builders. The architect Tom Wright wanted the island was too low to generate the impression that the sail-like structure rising from the water. Meanwhile Mick Mc Nicolas engineer, responsible for the safety of the island, he saw downside. "Tom wanted the island as low as possible near the sea, I for one wanted to protect her," said the engineer.

The final stage

   It's two years of work and became imperative to start the adequacy of internal long before the exterior was finished, but in a place where the humidity was 100 percent and the temperature could rise up to 49 degrees Celsius, it was impossible step would put the most delicate finishes such as gold leaf and carved wood.

The new challenge of a restaurant in the clouds

   In June 1997, in its final stage Sheikh Mahomet asks a restaurant that seems suspended in the sky looking towards the Arabian Gulf and Dubai. This would make not only the record of being the highest edificio más broke the world but also to give visitors a unique experience on the globe.

   The "Restaurant of the Supreme Celestial Track" as it was called, would rise to 200 meters above sea level and would stand 7 meters either side of the central narrow building.

The dream of One Thousand and One Nights
   An Arab story in a futuristic world seems to be the defi nition have to enter this wonder where there are only suites; 202 of them are in the range from 1,600 euros to 24,000 euros per night, the latter rate includes cinema
  private, several jacuzzis, rotating beds, 27 telephones, several plasma TVs, private elevator and its own helipad on the 28th floor.

   The wonders of the Moorish decor included as curiosities restaurants extremes: one under the sea level, Al Sahara, overlooking coral reefs where diners can enjoy 700 exotic fish care by an expert team of divers in a tank of 200m3 and at the opposite end overhang Al Muntaha restaurant for dinner literally in the clouds.

   The portfolio is wide: 202 suites, 7 restaurants, sensors for intelligent management of lights, curtains and electronic equipment, personalized service for every traveler, which include private facilities on each floor and an organized brigade of butlers, all kinds of shops and services (hairdressing salons, health center, etc), select bars, golf courses, Spa, swimming pools, fitness center, water park, rent a Rolls Royce, among others. For the most exclusive visitors there is a platform protruding from 330 tons buildin cio more than 200 meters above sea level and serves not only tennis but heliport.

   A wonder that stands proudly in the Persian Gulf showing that ingenuity, creativity and engineering are essential ingredients of this mega structure that not only amazes the world, but that once opened the door to new projects that make Dubai one of the centers leisure and more expensive and luxurious entertainment planet.