jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016



2 liters of water

Half a cucumber (which is used for salads)

2 lemons

10 mint leaves

Grated ginger (if you like, you can remove it from lemonade)

Preparation of lemonade to have a flat stomach

1. Place the 2 liters of water in a jar and go placing the remaining ingredients as mentioned below.

2. Wash the cucumber well and if you do not like the shell, peel it completely and pártelo into thin slices.

3. Cut into thin slices also two lemons.

4. Grate the ginger. The amount of ginger is your choice, but not overdo tablespoon grated and if you do not like to eat it, delete it from the lemonade.

5. If you would add a few drops more lemon for flavor, but remember not to add any sugar.

6. Wash well mint leaves and add them to the preparation, you can also use peppermint leaves and thus give a new flavor to lemonade.

Let stand about two hours preparing and if you want you can also prepare it at night and leave in the refrigerator overnight to consume the next day. If you do not like taking it because there is nothing sweet, you can add a little honey to sweeten, but remember to do it in moderation, ie in small quantities.

Remember to stay healthy, you should perform exercises regularly, as this lemonade alone will not do the miracle you want.

Lemonade to have a flat stomach and lose weight

We all know that to maintain an ideal weight, eliminate toxins, keep our body and hydrated skin, should take approximately 2 liters of water daily, but many people do not, because they do not like water and therefore not properly hydrated.

Drinking water daily has many benefits, including helping to lose weight, keep our skin healthy, eliminate toxins from our body, eliminates many digestive problems, it gives us energy and if consumed before meals, avoid to consume more food what do we need.

However rarely mentioned that drinking water helps to lose belly, as we often have bloated stomach due to toxins not discard, by fluid retention and digestive problems, water will achieve solve completely and we lose those extra centimeters in this area.

But as I mentioned earlier, many people do not drink water every day because they do not like and for this reason today I want to give a simple recipe that love them and help them properly hydrated, eliminating centimeters more in the stomach.

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